

  • Wamp Server Version 3
  • MySql For Excel
  • Each Lecture Room Should have their own Wifi access point (Router).

* Tested on MySql 5.7.9 and PHP 5.6.x


Start by downloading Wamp Server by clicking here and install it on the computer to use as a server. Then download MySql for Excel by clicking here, you will first be directed to download and install the MySQL installer from which you will open it, navigate to aplications tab select MySQL for Excel click on an arrow pointing right then select next. (Instructions on installing MySQL for Excel are found on their site).

After installing the MySQL for Excel plugin, open an Excel file and navigate to the data tab, on the far right you will see the MySQL plugin.

After which Installing Class SignIn web application is easy and can be done through the installation of a single file in the www folder located in the wamp folder where you installed the Wamp Server. Download it here then unzip it in the www folder.

Remember that the path to www after Wamp Server installation could be: C:\wamp\www*

Class SignIn Web Platform can always be updated by downlading the latest verion from here. By subscribing to our products you could get information about upcoming updates and any updates available

Server configurations


Basic PHP configuration for a Class SignIn Web application:
The configurations are done in the phpmyadmin.conf file.

The path to phpmyadmin.conf after Wamp Server installation could be: C:\wamp\alias*

<Directory "c:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin4.1.14/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    <IfDefine APACHE24>
    Require local
    <IfDefine !APACHE24>
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all
    php_admin_value upload_max_filesize 128M
    php_admin_value post_max_size 128M
    php_admin_value max_execution_time 360
    php_admin_value max_input_time 360


Basic Apache configuration for a Class SignIn Web application:
The configurations are done in the httpd.conf file.

The path to httpd.conf after Wamp Server installation could be: C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf

Find the line of code below

    AllowOverride all
    Require local

Then replace it with the line of code below

    AllowOverride all
    Require all granted

In the same file find the line of code below

<Directory "c:/wamp/www/">
    #some statements...
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    #some statements...
    AllowOverride all
    #some statements...
    Require local

Then replace it with the line of code below

    #some statements...
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    #some statements...
    AllowOverride all
    #some statements...
    Require all granted


The configuration of the Class SignIn Web Application is done in the credentials.php file. This is where you set the username and password of your Wamp MySQL Server.

You do not need to edit the host unless you trying to access the application and framework directories out of your webserver's document root.

Config Files

Class SignIn Web config files are just simple variables:


    /**The Host*/
    /**MySQL Wamp Server User Name*/
    /**MySQL Wamp Server Password*/

There are two credential files in the web platform. After unzipping the downloaded file in the www Wamp directory the two credentials.php files are found in the following pahs: ..\admin_page\php and ..\register_page\php.

Data injection

Read the documentation below in the basics and services section before proceeding any further; click on their bold headers to expand. Under each section there is a menu of links that will guide you in their respective section of the documentation.

  • Basics

    After unzipping the downloaded file in the www Wamp directory, start the wamp server and open your browser preferably google chrome, then type:


    This link will refer you to a log in page, where you either Log In or Register. Since you do not have such credentials you will have to click on the register button that will refer you to a register page with the link:


    You will then insert your Name, Phone Number, Email Address, User Name and Password (that will use to log into the system) and a Confirmation of the Password. You could click on the check box to make visible the passwords you entered, after which you click on the next button that will take you to the log in page for you to log in using the User Name and Password you created.

    After a successful log in you wil be directed to the link below, but into a tab labelled as Faculty Registration.


    On this page you will see a card with a photo labelled us Super Users, by clicking on the photo or the overflow menu icon the bottom right corner of the card, the card will slide up and reveal a list of all super users with rights t access the system. Since you are the only first and only supe user in the system you will see your name and the details you entered during registration.

    You can view more details on a super user by clicking the input field labelled with the super user's name. A list will drop down containing the super user's User Name, Email, Password , Update Button and Delete Button. You can change any details here by typing the relevant data in the input fields and clicking the Update Button, you can make the password fiel visible by checking the check box labelled: Click here to make password visible. and you can delete a super user from the system by clicking the Delete Button.

    If you delete the only remaining super user in the system, the system will assume you are trying to uninstall it and will then remove all data in the system. Simply because a system cannot run without an administrator watching over the actions of other users in the system.

    To add data another super user into the system, click on the red add button on the top right corner of the card to display input fields where you will enter the super user's full name in the input field that expands after clicking; it is always the first input field to be displayed. After expanding the list you will then insert the email, user name and the password then click save or cancel the entire operation entirely by clicking the Cancel button.

  • Services

    Class SignIn includes a number of services that can be accessed via the web platform and Excel for your convenience. You can add, remove, update and view data from both platforms.

    Services are split up in 2 groups. Core ;services such us adding, removing and updating details regarding a super user or a faculty user or administrator can only be done via the Web Platform, and cli services are any other services apart from those described above.

    Class SignIn comes with an easy to use web platform. By combining it with Exce using MySQL for Excel makes the platform more maintainable and decoupled. Another benefit of using the Excel plug in is that it greatly increases the analysis of students attendance; via the provision of pivot tables.

    All data is first inserted into the system via the Excel plug in and has been illustrated below.

Web Platform

Ensure you have read the documentation under data injection section above before proceeding with the web platform services documentation. Use the menu list displayed in the above section under services as you go throught this part of the documentation.

Adding a Faculty

Hover your mouse over the large red menu button at the bottom right corner of the web page and two buttons will show up. A blue add button and a green Log Out button.
Click on the blue add button and a faculty card will show up along with a toast/notification message displaying the words "Faculty Card Added Below"

The card will be labelled Faculty Name with an option to remove the faculty card by clicking on the link labelled Remove Faculty Card. Click on the photo or the overflow menu on the bottom right corner, this will display a form on the card that you are to fill in.
Insert the faculty name and a unique faculty code. Click on the input field labelled "Insert the Admin Role e.g. Dean" and delete that statement in order to insert an administrator's role in that faculty. You will notice that an input list is displayed where you are to insert the administrator's name, email, user name, password and then click save button to save the data or cancel button to cancel the operation.

The faculty code you put should should be unique. If you had installed wamp server earlier before and you still have it in your server or computer ensure that the faculty code used is completely different from any database name in that computer/server.

Adding a Faculty Administrator

To add data a faculty user into the system, click on the red add button on the top right corner of the card to display input fields where you will enter the faculty user's role in that faculty. You will notice that an input list is displayed where you are to insert the administrator's name, email, user name, password and then click save button to save the data or cancel button to cancel the operation.

Any Successful operation will be proceeded by a toast/notification message and a page reload. Where it will also show you the number of faculties in the system.

Removing a Faculty Administrator

You can delete a faculty user from the system by clicking the Delete Button.

If you delete the only remaining faculty user in the system, the system will assume you are trying to remove that particular faculty and will then remove all data in the system regarding that faculty. Simply because a faculty cannot run without an administrator watching over the actions of other users of the same faculty in the system.

Updating Faculty Credentials

To rename a faculty,faculty code and administrator's role simply type in the new details in their respective input fields and press on enter, to update, immediately after changing any fields' details, while the cursor is still on that field.

If you want to update an administrator's role, simply type in the new role and press on enter immediately, while the cursor is still on that field.

Updating Faculty Administrator Credentials

To rename an administrator's name, email, user name and password simply type in the new details in their respective input fields and click on update.

Viewing and Removing a Faculty

Right below the photo on the card are two links, the one on the right is used to view details about that particular faculty by directing the user to another page. The page contains a menu list on the left with two inputs, General Settings and a Log Out option.
On clicking the General Settings option a drop down list will show up with the following links: lecturers, units/lessons, lecturer units/lessons and attendance.

Clicking either of the drop down list will display details on the right side of the page.

The other link on the left is used to remove the faculty and all it's details from the system.

Remember clicking on remove faculty, will completely remove all data regarding the faculty.

Adding Faculty Data

Adding faculty data to the system for the first time is always done in excel as shown below, but once data is in the system, adding data is quite simple. While in the control panel of the selected faculty click on General Settings and select a link from the drop down. A red menu button will appear on the bottom right, upon hovering a mouse on it, three menu buttons will pop up; add, download, and search.

Click on the add button and a dialogue box will pop up. Fill in the details in their correct input fields and then hover the mouse on the manu button and two buttons wil pop up a Cancel Button and a Done Button. Clicking on the Done Button will save the data while clicking on the Cancel Button will remove the pop up box.

Remember adding data to the system for the first time is always done in excel as shown below

Student Parameter Values
Parameters Default Values Documentation
Student Id null The student's registration number, denoted by the bar code on their school ID. If it starts with a zero type in 0.
Names null The student's full names.
Image Path null Documentation is below.
Passwords null The student's log in password via the mobile application.
Status null Documentation is below.
Groups null Documentation is below.
Intake null Documentation is below.
Validity null The year past which the student's log in credentials are invalid.
Course Code null The student's course code, Example BBSA a code for Bachelore in Business Science Actuarial.
Course null The student's course/degree, Example Actuarial Science.
Faculty null The student's faculty code. Example a student in School of Law could be represented by their faculty code SOL.
Input Parameters

The input parameters for course intakes and groups within intakes follow the same rubric above, but inline with how the intakes are lined up in a calendar year. Example:
If there were several intakes for first years for a course in Art on; April 2016, June 2016 and August 2016. The input for this details would be as shown below

Calendar Intake Year Required Input Default Value
April 2016 1 1 1
June 2016 1 2 1 1
August 2016 1 3 1

In a 2016 Calendar the month April comes before June which comes before August, hence the reason why they have been respectively denoted as 1,2 and 3 in the intake column

Leaving the above input filed blank, will make the system use their default values.

If the students for a particular academic year are divided into groups within an intake(s). The groups should be denoted in numeric format: 1,2,3..

If a student is currently in school and attending classes their status is denoted as Active otherwise if they are not in school denote thier status in any manner that you prefer. Example: Inactive, Interrupted, Dropped out e.t.c

Image Path
If there are photos of the students they should be placed in a folder labelled student found in a directory labelled profile_photos which is found in the folder you extracted in the www folder that you downloaded from here. A students photo should be denoted using their school ID numbers.
If you find this a hustle you could leave this field blank and it will use a default photo, but the students will then be adviced to take a photo using the mobile application and it will be saved in this path : profile_photos/student/account.png located in the www folder that you downloaded from here.

Lecturer Parameter Values
Parameters Default Values Documentation
Lecturer Id null The lecturer's registration number, denoted by the bar code on their school ID. If it starts with a zero type in 0.
Names null The lecturer's full names.
Image Path null Documentation is similar to the student's documentation.
Passwords null The lecturer's log in password via the mobile application.
Status null Documentation is similar to the student's documentation.
Email null The lecturer's email.
Validity null The year past which the lecturer's log in credentials are invalid.
Faculty null The lecturer's faculty code. Example a lecturer in School of Law could be represented by their faculty code SOL.
Lecturer Code null The lecturer's code. It should be denoted as the first letter of the first name concatinated with the second name. Example: John Doe code will be denotd as jDoe. Each lecturer code name should be unique

Courses"Degree Parameter Values
Parameters Default Values Documentation
Course/Degree null The Courses/Degrees offered by the faculty. e.g School Of Economics could offer Finance and Financial Engineering Courses.
Course/Degree code null The Course/Degree code of their corresponding courses/degrees e.g. Finance could be BBSF.

Unit"Lesson Parameter Values
Parameters Default Values Documentation
Units/Lessons null The Units/Lessons offered by the faculty for a particular course. e.g Introduction to Finance offered under Finance.
Units/Lessons code null The Units/Lessons code offered by the faculty for a particular course e.g. Introduction to Finance offered under Finance. would be IFF

Lecturer Units Parameter Values
Parameters Default Values Documentation
Lecturer ID null As documented above.
Units/Lessons code null As documented above.
Units/Lessons null As documented above.
Lecturer Code null As documented above.
Names null As documented above.
Courses/Degrees null As documented above.
Course/Degree Code null As documented above.
Groups null Not Needed.
Intake null Not Needed.
Image Path null As documented above.

It is preferrable to insert Lecturers, Units and Courses first into the system before instering the units that each lecturer teaches. After inserting those details first, they will be dispalyed as dropdowns upon clicking their relevant input fields. From where you will then link a lecturer to a unit and to a course.

Updating Faculty Data

Updating any faculty data is done by changing the data in that input field and pressing enter while the cursor is still on that input field, after which a notification and labelled "Updated Successfully" will show up.

Deleting Faculty Data

Place your mouse cursor on the row you'd like to delete, the mouse cursor shouldn't be in any input field in that row but just above or below the input fields; but still within the row you'd want to delete and double click.

Viewing Extra Data Information

On any page there's a green button at the top; labelled in white text the details displayed in that particular page, click on it to display extra information. If you are in a page with icons at the first row, click on those icons to display extra information in a dialogue box.

If you are in the lecturer's page, there will be a green button at the top; labelled "lecturer" in white text.


Ensure you have read the documentation under data injection section above before proceeding with the web platform services documentation. Use the menu list displayed in the above section under services as you go throught this part of the documentation.

MySQL for Excel Connection Parameters
Parameters Documentation
Conection Name Any name you would want to give to the connection, preferably one that you can remember.
Host The host where the wamp web server is hosted. Use localhost if is the same computer or a specific IP address if it is another computer
Port The MySQL Wamp Server port. By default it uses 3306.
User Name The username you created on the web platform. A faculty administrator can use this portal too using the user name you created for them.
Password The password you created on the web platform. A faculty administrator can use this portal too using the password you created for them.

After inserting the above details, click on a button labelled "Test Connection" to know if the parameters you entered arre correct. Once it is successful click on a button labelled "Ok" and the connection will apear on the connection list on the right side of the excel document.

Double click on the connection to open, and as a super user you will be able to see all faculty databases denoted as their respective faculty codes; with any other databases you had earlier in the system. Double click on any faculty code database to see the tables; each database has been broken down into tables as shown below.

Class SignIn Databases
Database Documentation
Common Contains data that is common across all faculties/schools in a university, the data is categorised into the following tables: lecturers, msb_routers and students. It also contains views, these views are used by the system to restrict other faculty administrators on what they can access. Hence if you Log into Excel as a faculty administrator you will View the lecters and students via the Views section. Updating and Adding data regarding lecters and students will be done via the Tables section.
Administratorss Contains everyone who has access to the system. It contains one table named admins.
Faculty Code Database Contains data about a particular faculty denoted by the faculty code, the data is categorised into the following tables: courses, units"lessons, lecturer_units, attendance and active_classes.

If a faculty administrator log's into the system via excel, after installing the MySQL Add-In in their computer, they will only see data relevant to their faculties, but any data manipulation done in Excel by the Super User can also be done by the Faculty Administartors but within their faculty.

Class SignIn Databases Table Parameters

These tables are similar in documentation to those described above in the Input Parameter section, hence there will be no need to document them again. The only difference is that a Student ID and Lecturer ID have been denoted as regID and Lecturer Code has been denoted as tablename in the Lecturer table while in the Lecturer Units table it has been denoted as lecturer_tablename. Every other table parameter is the same as described in the web interface.

You can revisit their documentation by clicking here.

Lecture Room Parameter Values
Parameters Default Values Documentation
Building null The name of the building e.g. Art Building.
Room null The name of the room in that particular building e.g. Room 1
Room Router null It has been denoted in the system as room_router. It is the macaddress of the router in that particular room, since the system requires each room to have their own wifi access point. e.g 01:23:45:e5:f8:e4
Faculty null The name of the faculty that owns/manages the building. This is an optional field.
Attendance Table

As student's sign into class their data will be displayed in this section, which is also visible on the web platform, but analysis is better done if the data is viewed in Excel. Due to the length of the parameters in this section they have been condensed into the drop down below.

  • Parameter Values
    Parameters Default Values Documentation
    msb null The name of the room the class was e.g. Room 1.
    lecturer_name null The name of the lecturer who activated the class.
    lecturer_id null The registration number of the lecturer who activated the class.
    student_id null The registration number of the student who signed into class.
    log_in_name null The name of the student who logged into the mobile app.
    student_name null The name of the student who signed into class.
    unit null The name of the lesson"unit that was activated for sign in.
    unit_code null The code of the lesson"unit that was activated for sign in.
    start_class null The start time of the class that was activated for sign in, denoted in hours:minutes:seconds
    end_class null The end time of the class that was activated for sign in, denoted in hours:minutes:seconds
    currenthour null The duration of the class in minutes.
    years null The academic year of the student who signed into class.
    intake null The academic intake of the student who signed into class.
    years null The academic sem of the student who signed into class.
    course_code null The course code of the student's course"degree.
    course null The course"degree of the student.
    ipaddress null The IP address of the lecturer's device.
    port null The port address of the lecturer's device.
    timestamps null The timestamps when the student signed into class.
    start_time_stamp null The start time of the class that was activated for sign in, denoted in year:month:day hours:minutes:seconds
    end_time_stamp null The end time of the class that was activated for sign in, denoted in year:month:day hours:minutes:seconds
    groups null The group of the student who signed into class.
    macaddress null The mac address of the device the student used to sign into class.
    router_mac_address null The router mac address the student used to sign into class.
    imagePath null The image path location of the lecturer who activated the class.

Viewing Faculty Data

Click on a table of your choice and then click on a button labelled "Import Data", a dialog box with a preview window will be displayed. If there was data in the system it will be displayed in the preview window, if not it will only show the column headers and the order in which they are located in the system.
If you click on a button labelled "Import" and there was data in the system it will be populate in the excel file, otherwise if there was no data an error will be displayed.

Note that it is important to view the data or just the data column headers first before you are to put any data in the system, this is done so as to show you the data type to insert in particlar coulmn and in what order is the data inputted. If from the preview regID comes first followed my name, this order of data columns should be the same in Excel.

If a faculty administartor log's into the system from excel they can view data on Students and Lecturers via the View section and not Table section, otherwise any other operation such as adding. deleting and editing data can be done via the Table section.

Remember to note down the data types and order of data in a table, it will help you in knowing how to structure your data in Excel before inputting it into the system.

At all time ignore the first column labelled id.

Adding Faculty Data

After noting down the column headers and their order, type these headers in excel and under each fill in the data required as described in the Input Parameter Section. Highlight the data inserted in under each column and click on a button labelled "Append Data", a dialogue box will show up with two previews. The preview at the top showing highlighted data that is to be inserted in the system and the preview below will contain data already in the system together with their respective column headers.

You will then have to link each column of data to be inserted above, with the column where they are to be inserted in the preview box below it. This is done by clicking on a column on the preview box above and draging it to the preview box below where data is to go. This process is called mapping. Mapped columns will be labelled in green while unmapped columns will be labelled in orange. Do not ever map any data to the first column labelled id.

The system will automatically detect this pattern and store the pattern so thet the next time you want to add data to the system it will automatically map the data for you. After mapping click on a button labeled "Append" and if the prosess is successful it will alert you.

Remember adding data in the column of the Timetable table, should be done in the following format : YEAR/MONTH/DAY. Or else there will be a syncing error with the student's Sync School Timetable calendar.

Updating Faculty Data

Click on the table whose data you want to update and then click on a button labelled "Edit Data" and all data in that particular table will displayed in Excel in a new Excel sheet. A transparent rectangular box with two buttons will be displayed at the center of the screen, if you click anywhere outside the data imported for editing by MySQL for Excel the dialogue box will disappear.

Click on the particular cell whose data you want to change and make the neccessary changes and immediately press enter button, this will change the cell color to green then of the two buttons in the transparent dialogue box at the center of the Excel sheet click on the one labeled "Commit Changes" and the changes will be saved in the data base. The blue cells that indicated changed data will then chage to green, indicating changes have been made in the system.

Clicking on the button "Revert Changes From DB" will simply undo any changes you made and load the data all over again from the database.

Deleting Faculty Data

The procedure is the same as the one above, the only difference is that you have to highlight the data in the row you want to delete and press the delete button. The rest of the procedure is the same.

Attendance Analysis

As students sign into class their data is populated on the attendance table, which can be imported for analysis using the Excell tools. MySQL by default embeds the filter tool in every column head upon data importation form the system. When importing data there is always the option to display a pivot table after importing data.

The pivot table is a good tool for analysis, especially whne you want to track the attendance of a particlar student, group of students, lecturers or group of lecturers. You can learn how to use the pivot table for analyis in Excel from here.

Mobile Application

Before your school can access this service, send the path where you extracted the folder you downloaded from this site, the path should be the IP address of your wamp server.
If you extracted the the folder into the www folder in the wamp directory, the external path to that folder could be or the words in bold are the IP paths to your www directory that you are to email to us.
The reason we need the above address is to configure the application so that your univerity can access it.

Click on the drop down below to help you navigate through the list of mobile application services and the process it takes for a lecturer to acitvate a class for a student to sign in.

  • cloud_queueServices

    The mobile application services offered so far are in the android platform. We are working on launching this service in other mobile platforms. These application will only be needed to be installed on the Lectrer's phone and Student's phone.

    • androidAndroid

      Requires Android 4.1 and up

      • account_circleLecturer

        The lecturer will install the Class SignIn App. This is available on Play Store, click here to download.

        • info_outlineEssentials

          These are the features the lecturer will require during the loging in process until a class/lesson is activated.

          • redoLoging In

            The lecturer taps on the user drop down to select a user category which is lecturer then enter's their user name and password in their respective fields and then signs in.

            The Lecturer can only sign into the application if they are connected to their school's wifi.

          • add_alarmSetting Current Lesson

            After logging in as a lecturer one is directed to an account page where the current lesson is set. To do so click on a button labelled "Click here to set time", a time picker will pop up, it automatically detects the time when you clicked the button and uses that selected time as the start of the class.
            So the lecturer only sets the time when the class is to end by selecting the hour and minute from the time picker and then clicking on the button labelled "To:". The selected time will appear next to the "To:" button, once you are confident that the right time is set, click on the "Ok:" button.

            When setting the time of the class, it is adviced to do so immediately the class is to start so that the time picker picks the correct start time of the class, otherwise if you activate it at a later point it will assume you started class at that particular time.

            After a you have successfully set the class time interval, insert the year you are to teach at that particular time. Example:
            If it is first year type 1 and so on. Use the rubric displayed below. The same applies for the semester, intake and group input field.
            Below are the required input parameters for the desired Years and Semester.If the class to be taught is for first years do not type the current year e.g 2016, type 1 as seen from the class session input parameter table below. The rubric used below should also be used for years not displayed below e.g. fifth year should be denoted as 5 and so on.
            These are the links to the documentation on what values to use for the intake and group input field.

            Class Session Input Parameters
            Year/Semester Required Input Default Value
            First 1 1
            Second 2 1
            Third 3 1
            Fourth 4 1

            If the above processes are successful, a button labelled "Show Unit" will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Click on it to display a dialogue box containing all the courses/degrees you teach in that university. Select the course you are to currently teach and it will display a dialogue box containing all the units/lessons you teach that particular course/degree. Select the unit you are to currently teach, this unit and the course will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you are teaching two different courses/degrees from the same academic year, click on the "Show Unit" button and repeat the process again but selecting a different course/degree.
            Finally if the above processes are successful, a button labelled "Next" will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, click on it and it will direct to you to a page labelled "Attendance List"

          • my_locationDetect Current Location

            While in the "Attendance List" page, he third button on the far right side of the "Attendance List" is used to detect the class, this has been explained in the section above
            If it displays the wrong room, deactivate the wifi for a few seconds and turn it back on again after a while and click the button again so as to detect the room you are in.
            If it displays the text "Room:" it means that it has not yet detected the room you are in, deactivate the wifi for a few seconds and turn it back on again after a while and click the button again so as to detect the room you are in.

          • securityActivating and Deactivating Current Lesson

            While in the "Attendance List" page, there is a button labelled "Start Sign In", that activates the current lesson so as students can sign in to that lesson's attendance list, and then changes it's label to "Stop Sign In". Clicking on it again while it's labelled "Stop Sign In" will deactivate the current class and no student can sign into that lesson's attendance list.
            The application automatically locks student's from class after 30 minutes if the class has not been deactivated yet.
            The back button on your phone is disabled temporarily while the class is active and then enabled when the class is deactivated. This is done so as to prevent a lecturer from forgetting to deactivate a class, but they can get out of this interface by clicking on the phone's home button and when they come back to this interface afterhaving left earlier they can view student's who have signed into class by clicking on the "Refresh" button.
            Student's who have signed in will be displayed in a list on the "Attendance List" page with the following details: Student ID, Names and Photo.

            The list will be updating itself automatically showing you the total number and list of students who have signed in for that particular class.
            Never Kill The Class SignIn Application Task from the Task Manager While the Class Has Been Activated
            Activated if and only if the correct class has been detected.

          • timelineViewing Student's Attendance

            Tap on a student's photo to view their attendance details. It will contain their percentage absenteeism, total number of class hours covered by their lecturer so far and total number of hours they have attended.

          • portraitViewing Student's Photo

            Long press on a student's photo to view their photo labelled with their name.

          • deleteDeleting Student's

            Next to each student name on the list is an option with the icon close to delete the student from that particular class. At the top right corner of the "Attendance List" page is an overflow menu with the icon more_vert, click on it to display an option to delete all students from that particular class.

          • restore_pageRefreshing Attendance List

            Click on the button on the far right of the "Attendance List" page that has a refresh icon in order to represh an attendance list.

        • infoNon Essential

          These are the features the lecturer will require in order to personalise their account.

          • file_uploadUpload Photo

            Tap on the large photo icon in your account and it will give you the option to either upload a photo via gallery or camera.

          • createEdit Sign In Credentials

            Click on the settings icon on the top right corner of the application, it will then direct you to a settings page where you click on the button labelled "Privacy" that will direct you to a privacy page.
            On the privacy page you can change your Registration number and password, by inserting the old registration numbers and passwords first and then clicking the "Update" button.

          • help_outlineHelp and FeedBack

            After logging in, the first page you see is your account, on the bottom left there is a circular floating button click on it and you will see the Help and FeedBack option. Click on it and you will be requested to input your issue and an option of whether you would like to send details of your mobile device.

          • undoLoging Out

            After logging in, the first page you see is your account, on the bottom left there is a circular floating button click on it and you will see the option of logging out of the application.

      • account_circleStudent

        The student will install the Class SignIn App. This is available on Play Store, click here to download.
        The student will in addition to the above application install a Barcode Scanner App, click here to download. The Barcode Scanner app should be the one developed by ZXing Team.

        • Essentials

          These are the features the student will require during the loging in process until they sign into a class/lesson.

          • redoLoging In

            The student taps on the user drop down to select a user category which is student then enter's their user name and password in their respective fields and then signs in.

          • searchSearching for Current Lesson

            After a you have successfully logging in, insert the year you are in currently. Example:
            If it is first year type 1 and so on. Use the rubric displayed below. The same applies for the semester, intake and group input field.
            Below are the required input parameters for the desired Years and Semester.If you are in a first year do not type the current year e.g 2016, type 1 as seen from the class session input parameter table below. The rubric used below should also be used for years not displayed below e.g. fifth year should be denoted as 5 and so on.
            These are the links to the documentation on what values to use for the intake and group input field.

            Class Session Input Parameters
            Year/Semester Required Input Default Value
            First 1 1
            Second 2 1
            Third 3 1
            Fourth 4 1

            Once you have inserted the correct data on the input fields. Click on the button labbeled "Show Unit" and this will display the class that is currently in session, that has been activated with the parameters you entered.
            Long press on the the lecturer's photo to expand it for a larger view.

          • done_allSigning Into Current Lesson

            After you have verified that the displayed class is the one you wish to sign for tap the button labbeled "Go". It will then direct you to an "Attendance Page" which has two buttons one labelled with a scan icon and the other labelled "Room" by default but changes to show the particular class you are in.
            The student taps on the scan button that will use the barcode scanner application to scan the bar code on the student's ID card. After a successful scan the app will sign the student into the class and it will display the following details: Percentage Absenteeism, Total hours of that class and Total hours of that class attended.
            The "Room" button is used to detect the room you are in, if it displays the wrong room.

          • my_locationDetect Current Location

            The second button on the left side of the "Attendance Page" is used to detect the class, this has been explained in the section above
            If it displays the wrong room, deactivate the wifi for a few seconds and turn it back on again after a while and click the button again so as to detect the room you are in.
            If it displays the text "Room:" it means that it has not yet detected the room you are in, deactivate the wifi for a few seconds and turn it back on again after a while and click the button again so as to detect the room you are in.

        • Non Essential

          These are the features the student will require in order to personalise their account.

          • file_uploadUpload Photo

            Tap on the large photo icon in your account and it will give you the option to either upload a photo via gallery or camera.

          • portraitViewing Lecturer's Photo

            After your current lesson has been displayed, long press on the lecturer's photo to enlarge it.

          • syncSync School Timetable with Calendar

            Click on the settings icon on the top right corner of the application, it will then direct you to a settings page where you click on the button labelled "Account" that will display all the email accounts in your phone. Select the one you want to sync your school timetable to.
            After which click on the sync time table check box that will display a dialogue box that you are to insert your academic year and semester, use the rubric displayed below, then click the ok button.

            Class Session Input Parameters
            Year/Semester Required Input Default Value
            First 1 1
            Second 2 1
            Third 3 1
            Fourth 4 1
          • help_outlineHelp and FeedBack

            After logging in, the first page you see is your account, on the bottom left there is a circular floating button click on it and you will see the Help and FeedBack option. Click on it and you will be requested to input your issue and an option of whether you would like to send details of your mobile device.

          • undoLoging Out

            After logging in, the first page you see is your account, on the bottom left there is a circular floating button click on it and you will see the option of logging out of the application.
